Contents. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. The heat generated from its DigiCore makes its body hot enough to burn at the touch. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. Attacks Super Bubble Blow. This evolution occurs on Digimon story cyber sleuth hacker's memory#devimon #demidevimon #malomyotismon #myotismon #demidevimon #venommyotismon #digimon #dig. 45 Rosemon Grass-Fairy Lilymon + Lv. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Everything you need to know about Falcomon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory & its Complete Edition. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Leomon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. On this page, you will find Poyomon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more. Stamina. Pegasmon and Rapidmon Gold as Armor forms. This one is Mokumon, who belongs to the spooky, mischievous group of Nightmare Soldiers! Versions 2-5: Only successful training is counted for evolution. Nyaromon . Evolution chart #0921 Pawmi Electric (Level 18) #0922 Pawmo Electric · Fighting (walk 1,000 steps in Let's Go mode) #0923 Pawmot Electric · Fighting. Koromon. , In No Questions, Please, In Sora's Crest of Love, In It's All In The Cards, In Return to. This does not guarantee evolution into Perfect, but it makes it very likely. Central. Last Page. Mistakes. It can evolve to Angemon if above level 19, friendship 70%, and Holy EXP 300. In Generations 4-7, Riolu has a base Friendship value of 70. This Plant Data Digimon is number 62 on the Field Guide. Sharp, solid claws grow from each limb, offering some power in a fight. It is a Free type, Neutral Attribute, has no equip slots and uses up 2 memory. Angemon is a Vaccine Light Digimon that has the number #077 in the Field Guide. Stage 3 (Third) – The third stage of the evolutions. Key Points. Tsunomon: For the highest chance of evolution, battle at least 15 times at both stages, and win 12 out of your 15 most recent battles at both stages. On this page, you will find Wanyamon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more. Motimon found Izzy when. Motimon. Training Hall. Patamon can be evolved from Tokomon. Gigimon, Motimon: Evolution HP MP Atk Def Spd Int Weight. Shares information about the Dimensional Box. Flotia. Increases ATK by 15%. Find out which Digimon digivolve from GroundLocomon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. The Andromon has been developed as a prototype cyborg Digimon with a mechanical base, while the Boltmon, which was developed at the same time, has an organic, flesh base. Pabumon -> Motimon. Mistake. . so I'm getting back to my DIM Card Sprite Charts, this next one will be for Tentomon, and here's the current roster as it stands; Baby I, Baby II, Child Bubbmon Motimon Tentomon Adult Kabuterimon Kuwagamon Yanmamon Mechanorimon Perfect AtlurKabuterimon OKuwamon Ultimate HerculesKabuterimon GrandKuwagamonA cyborg Digimon in the shape of a person. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. It is a Machine Digimon shaped like a bird. 0-1 Care Mistakes. Always Hits. Wisdom. This Digivolution Planner for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory, and its Complete Edition lets you plan and map out the possible Digimon you can get from evolving or devolving any given Digimon. Gen 5. On this page, you will find Datamon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more. On this page, you will find MetalMamemon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more. Renamon's relationship to humans is clearly shown, and if raised properly, its in-training form can Digivolve into a Renamon of high intelligence. 103. 2. Strong against:These are the Digivolutions that have been seen in the 2020 reboot of Digimon Adventure so far-. Content is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Bukamon is a Lesser Digimon. A beast humanoid Digimon shaped like a golden fox. Digimon Masters [] Kamemon is an obtainable extra Mercenary Digimon. In And So it Begins. All evolutions are straight lines, where the Digimon evolve through normal means. All evolutions are straight lines, where the Digimon evolve through normal means. It basks in the sun to its heart’s content until the fruits on its head ripen. For Jogress evolution, please note that Digimon of the same slot cannot Jogress with one another. Scatters steel-colored scales as it flaps its wings. Digimon World Dawn and Dusk []. Find information and stats for Angemon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Also, the fact that Motimon's the green Digi-Egg makes it look unlikely we're getting TigerVespamon's line. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. Quota;. Hagurumon possesses the special ability to send a. Training only counts for evolution when successful. In-game description. In this article, we take a look at the key. Tunomon. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Veemon is a superior member of the combat species, possessing hidden power and tremendous ability when armor Digivolved. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Motimon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. It is said that its soul and power is that. #013 Tsunomon #015 Motimon. Flotia. Rewards the player with basic care items on a daily basis. Editor's note: Please note that this special move's description was not translated nor created by a Grindosaur's team member but directly taken from the game itself. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. When an enemy draws close, this big old coward digs a hole with its four legs and buries its body in the ground. Because the Smoke was generated when its DigiCore was burned, it seems it is harmful neither to Mokumon. This Plant Free Digimon is number 8 on the Field Guide. The phosphorus powder stored in its wings. Displays old cards that are collectible through gathering materials from search points. Experiencing a mid-week peak with a 2. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. The Pound Sterling faces challenges in. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Choose wisely, 100,000 stardust is 1,000 regular caught Pokémon, or 800 weather boosted base evolution Pokémon. It would be better if it covered both games, but if i have to use four separate tools, so be it. It tends to run away when others get close. 338 Ginryumon. Everything you need to know about Guardromon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory & its Complete Edition. Motimon found Izzy when he first came to the Digital World, and digivolves to Tentomon to fight Kuwagamon. This Earth Data Digimon is number 132 on the Field Guide. When a Tokomon and Motimon run around due to being bored, Jijimon tries to calm them down by telling them if they continue to misbehave, a Demon Lord. This has a. Nature effectiveness chart; Strong against: Hand-to-Hand: Weak against: Filth: Hand-to-Hand: Hagurumon's Digivolution Conditions. Motimon is Tentomon's In-Training form. If you mess up its rearing it'll turn into Numemon, but it seems there's a hidden secret. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Leopardmon LM in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Blog Search. Motimon's unique drop is Motimon's Spark, twelve of which are needed to create a Crest of Love. . pdf. Zone. All of the information in this guide is from a spreadsheet made by Raakey and members of Gamefaqs that can be found here:. Zone. Tentomon is a Rookie Digimon and the Digivolved form of Motimon. ≥ means: Greater than or equal to; Evolves from. It's officially speculated that Motimon was born. Tokomon is a Free Neutral Digimon that has the number #011 in the Field Guide. It can evolve to Angemon if above level 19, friendship 70%, and Holy EXP 300. 124. Originally taken care of by Blossomon, the Tokomon is rescued by War Greymon (X-Antibody), who, while fleeing from Omegamon, it requests that DORUmon. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Its exodermis can't withstand deep-sea water pressure or low temperatures, so it can't dive in the ocean depths for long. 15 Greymon Fire Agumon + Lv. It loves dark and damp environments, and has neither attack power nor intelligence. 217 When you receive magic attacks, 10% of the damage is converted to HP. It flies over fields and mountains in constant search of its much-beloved nectar. It dwells in the Limit Valley . Today. Pabumon - > Tanemon. A small Digimon like Punimon, but with one of the tentacles on its head hardened. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Pabumon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Central. Find information and stats for Tanemon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. These are the Digivolutions that have been seen in the 2020 reboot of Digimon Adventure so far-. Wake the Digimon up by going into the Food menu, training it, or selecting the Battle option. As reflected in the regional trends above, the largest increases were typically in –but not limited to – Europe and Central Asia. All Rights Reserved. Weight. It has a bit of a selfish side, and when angered it blows its top like a volcano and goes on a unstoppable rampage. . Evolution chart #0447 Riolu Fighting (high Friendship, Daytime) #0448 Lucario Fighting · Steel. Motimon: Tentomon lvl 8 Kunemon Thunder Stone Dokunemon Leaf Stone DemiVeemon: Veemon lvl 8 Minomon: Wormmon lvl 8 Kokuwamon Thunder Stone. This reptile Digimon looks like a small dinosaur, growing to stand on two legs. Before reviewing the below charts, I'd recommend toggling the Legend on the lower left to get familiar with what the different requirements mean. It is able to move by skillfully operating its root-like tentacles, and with its lightness, it can rise into the air, but only to a small height. Max HP is 50 required. This is a list of characters from the Digimon anime series Digimon Adventure, its sequels Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure tri. Everything you need to know about Koromon from Digimon World: Next Order. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. If they gather, they all learn the same saying. Everything you. It is a Lesser Digimon with a large flower blooming from its head. Magic attack, 55 Water damage to one foe. It is mischievous with a cheerful personality. Guardromon is a Virus Electric Digimon that has the number #079 in the Field Guide. Pawmi #0920 Lokix #0922 Pawmo. Its appearance belies an above-average intelligence, which leads to the assumption that it was born from a computer's dictionary function. Name. Wisdom. Gen 8. Find information and stats for Wizardmon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Everything you need to know about Bukamon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory & its Complete Edition. . On this page, you will find Myotismon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more. Koromon is an obtainable Digimon in Digimon World and evolves from Botamon after 6 in-game hours have passed, with no necessary conditions required. MP. Growth charts for Digital Monster Ver. 5 Evo Charts Click to Enlarge Baby Babumon Born from egg Motimon Babumon: Wait 1 hour Child Tentomon Motimon: 0-1 Care Mistakes Gotsumon Motimon: 2-4 Care Mistakes Otamamon Motimon: 5+ Care Mistakes Adult. 20th, Digimon Pendulum Ver. Digimon Tamers []. Evolves From. Diamond: It can learn and speak human words. General information, digivolution requirements, item drops and more. DigiLab. Everything you need to know about Yokomon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory & its Complete Edition. Due to its extremely timid personality, if it senses an intruder's presence, it will burrow with the four feet at the base of its body, and completely bury its. . Level 5 or higher. Weight. Find out which Digimon digivolve from TyrantKabuterimon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. e. NAME TYPING HOW TO OBTAIN. 60 Koromon Fire Starter, Mt. Do you need help to fill out your Field Guide? An undead Digimon king who was revived by dark arts and has obtained a powerful password. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. In the original Re:Digitize, the only Digimon who had an X variant was WarGreymon. An ore Digimon clad in mineral data from fields, giving it exceptional defense. It can also be obtained as a collectable card. 36. February 14, 2021 by guidetonote. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. Motimon's Skill 1 is Elastic Bubbles, which is a. 45 Rosemon Grass-Fairy Lilymon + Lv. After that, Dolliv departs from human settlements and goes on a journey. Find information and stats for Bukamon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. General information, digivolution requirements, item drops and more. To get Kabuterimon: Tentomon: 0-3 Calls, Train 48+. Can be evolved from Pagumon if above level 15, spirit 80, and Darkness EXP 490. Wins. Live Action [] Digimon Project 2021 [] Manga [] Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 [] Digimon Next []. Rumble in the Jungle Zone! Digimon World Dawn and Dusk []. You can click on any Digimon image below. Shares information about the Training Hall and its bonuses. MetalMamemon is a Data Electric Digimon that has the number #206 in the Field Guide. Max HP is 50 required. General information, digivolution requirements, item drops and more. Lv. Central. Find out which Digimon digivolve from PrinceMamemon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Find information and stats for Gatomon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Whenever you do meet the requirements for your digimon you can go to that location and digivolve anytime you like. First Page. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Omnimon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Falcomon is a Vaccine Wind Digimon that has the number #051 in the Field Guide. Only I had the time to do this kind of thing for now, and hence this guide. Jijimon's House. Kudamon drops. On this. Everything you need to know about Gummymon from Digimon World: Next Order. Tentomon -> Kabuterimon -> MegaKabuterimon. The in-training class of Digimon Saban. On this page, you will find Bukamon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more. Tsumemon (LV 5 or higher) Pagumon (LV 5 or higher) Bukamon Poyomon TokomonDigimon Linkz Evolution Chart by YourDMD. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Wisdom. Otamamon: 4+ Calls, Train 32+, Overfeed 6+, 0-4. Everything you need to know about Botamon from Digimon World: Next Order. Everything you need to know about Pabumon from Digimon World: Next Order. Bond. Its card is part of the Tentomon Evolution (テントモン進化 Tentomon Shinka) set. As it is brimming with curiosity, it is restlessly stirring and its appearance seems very cute. It boasts attacks that silence the enemy in a single blow. General information, digivolution requirements, item drops and more. It's not ideal, but what're you going to do. 20th, Digimon Pendulum Ver. Weight. This Fire Free Digimon is number 7 on the Field Guide. Gen 9. Piedmon + Darkdramon. Digivolution (進化, Shinka?, lit. 99 new More Topics from this Board. Gabumon is an obtainable Digimon which is evolved from Koromon or Wanyamon, and can evolve to Gaogamon, Garurumon, Greymon, or Tailmon. Its basic stats are 66 HP, 60 MP, 47 Attack, 32 Defense, 23 Spirit, 29 Speed, and 11 Aptitude. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Guardromon (Gold) in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. 6 was the Bandai Asia version of the Version 1 Pendulum (which would explain why the evolutionary chart is almost identical) and that Bandai Asia had originally planned to release all of the Pendulums (that were released by Bandai Japan) in the same style as the first 5 v-pets. Key Points. The classic choice. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. Bond. In water, Mudkip breathes using the gills on its cheeks. 267. May 11, 2021 - Digivolution Chart - Chibomon / Gigimon by Chameleon-Veil on DeviantArt. Agumon is one of the Digimon Ryo Akiyama begins the game with, a reference to Anode/Cathode Tamer, where Agumon is the first Digimon he gets there. 20th, Digimon Pendulum Ver. . Icon Name Locked Stage Attribute Nature. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Puppetmon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Wanyamon is a Free Wind Digimon that has the number #017 in the Field Guide. 207. Evolution HP MP Atk Def Spd Int Weight. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Ikkakumon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Find information and stats for MarineAngemon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. It digivolves from Motimon and can digivolve to Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Sunflowmon, Stingmon, and Waspmon. The Pound Sterling faces challenges in retaining gains made against the US Dollar (USD) last week. Type: Tokomon: Stage: In-Training 2: Attribute: Neutral: Nature: No Personality: In-game description. 100--20. Strength. The last of the species that flourished in the genesis of the Digital World, it can use Digi-Eggs to undergo a pseudo-evolution called armor. Find information and stats for Poyomon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. 4. Nature effectiveness chart; Strong against: Air: Filth: Weak against: Fire: Tentomon's Digivolution Conditions. Cufant. In Generation 4, Chatot has a base experience yield of 107. HP MP STR STA WIS SPD Weight TF Bonds Discipline Victories Key Digimon Key Points; ≥ 1500--≥ 210-----2 Find out which Digimon digivolve from Omnimon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. To achieve this, select a Digimon, ordered by their Digivolution stages, from the eight drop-down menus down below to. It may one day Digivolve into a Digimon of great strength. Find information and stats for MirageGaogamon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Lalamon is #065, and is a Rookie-level, Technical-class, Insect/Plant-species Digimon with a resistance to the Thunder element and a weakness to the Wind element. 8K Views. Flotia. Midnight is a mysterious army who acts as a fourth party to the Fusion Fighters, Blue Flare, and Bagra Army. This Digimon is very cunning and getting rid of it is very difficult. However, it is friendly towards its comrades, and its friendship with other Digimon, surpassing species, can be deepened even further if they are recognized by Shoutmon. Despite being observed feeding primarily on the nectar of. In Generation 3, Pinsir does not have the Mold Breaker ability. 15 Ponchomon Grass Palmon + Lv. 187. Dark. She seems to favor them over the Bagra Army, providing explanations to Mikey Kudo A Rival Appears and. Gotsumon. Expels strings of a sticky net to trap enemy movement. . Its General, Nene Amano, approaches the Generals of the other human-led armies to assess their strength, always with her own agenda. Everything you need to know about Goblimon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory & its Complete Edition. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. Special thanks to: BitZero, for making the Evolution FAQ, without it this chart would not exist! Pram_the_Oracle, who helped me sort the evolutions, which was quite boring and troublesome. Motimon's unique drop is Motimon's Spark, twelve of which are needed to. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Hagurumon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Betamon by having a higher HP, MP or Defense stat than the others. Gen 7. How Evolution Works In Next Order. Please, do not post until the whole chart is posted (last Digimon is Kokatorimon, who comes after Veemon). English: Lex Lang (Our War Game! and Revenge of Diaboromon), Kirk Thornton (Our War Game! and Reunion), Jeff Nimoy (Revenge of Diaboromon),. Everything you need to know about Elecmon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory & its Complete Edition. Yokomon . Digimon World Re:Digitize [ edit] Tentomon is an obtainable Digimon which is evolved from Budmon, Gigimon, or Tokomon, and can evolve to Airdramon, Guardromon, Kabuterimon, or Sunflowmon. There are a few weapons items on this list that you aren’t able to evolve yet. Digimon Stage Type Attribute Memory Equip Slots HP SP Atk Def Int Spd; 1 Kuramon: Baby: Free: Neutral: 2: 0: 590: 77: 79: 69: 68: 95: 2 Pabumon: Baby: Free: Neutral. This Dark Data Digimon is number 72 on the Field Guide. Changes are as follows: - Tentomon -> SandYanmamon (instead of Yanmamon) ; results in drastic retooling of the top half of the chart since Sandy has totally different ultimate evolutions ahaha. In Generation 2, Mew has a base Friendship value of 70. Evolution chart. Filth. Find information and stats for Tentomon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. The in-training class of Digimon Saban. This Wind Free Digimon is number 17 on the Field Guide. Digimon. On this page you can view a full tree diagram on all evolution paths to this Digimon. Baby II. 25% gain against the USD, the GBP has since The currency pair is currently consolidating just above the 1. Quota; Ikkakumon: 1000-70--60: 26 or more: 3 or less-70 or more-14 or more Find information and stats for Pabumon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Motimon [] A Micro Digimon that has a stretchy body. Find out which Digimon digivolve from Clockmon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. 45 WarGreymon Fire-Steel MetalGreymon + Lv. Its unstable surface means practically no defense or prowess in combat. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. A tiny Digimon that hardened one of the feelers on its head as Punimon. Pabumon. It possesses the Psychic 1 trait, and is treated as an In-Training Digimon. Botamon is a Free Neutral Digimon that has the number #004 in the Field Guide. Increases ACU and EVA by 1%. Tsumemon Pagumon Bubbmon Motimon Pyocomon Tanemon Punimon Nyaromon Tsunomon Botamon Koromon Wanyamon Poyomon Bukamon Tokomon----Baby II ---Koromon Agumon Hackmon Guilmon ToyAgumon Tanemon Lalamon Palmon Renamon Tsunomon Gabumon Goburimon V-mon Gabumon(Black) Tsumemon Keramon. 1". In Generations 1-4, Mew has a base experience yield of 64. Some researchers posit it as a mutation of Hagurumon, but no one knows for sure. For Digimon World: Next Order on the PlayStation 4, Evolution Guide by swugg. Digimon. On this page you can find a list of Digimon this Digimon digivolves from, digivolves into, basic stats such as memory usage and equip slot count, and what moves it learns. Google digimon pathfinder. It is still at the peak of playfulness, and it has a prank-loving personality, but its combat instinct has not awakened. Patamon can be evolved from Tokomon if above level 8 and friendship 50%, or can be found at Login Mountain. Additionally, it also increases a Digimon's STR slightly as well as tiring it. 51 Favourites. Level 3 or higher.